State of the Union in OpenSim (RT @MariaKorolov)

Speculoos is now in the ten most active grids. Wow. But that’s not the main concern of Maria Korolov’s article. Here is some kind of “state of the union”, an interesting analysis, not only of the number of grids evolution. It also covers some...

Dummy griefer hits again

I stopped by the great FleepGrid today, and found giant balls from this dummy ass* Jack Marioline. It’s been years this guy seems having nothing better to do than griefing and trying to ruin others work. The guy tried also to register to our grid recently, but was dropped immediately. I guess he’s trying everywhere he can.

Freebie market updated in Agora

We updated the freebie market, with some more comprehensive sorting, NPC model chooser to preview outfits available, and an indication of the wonderful creators for external content. There is no room for new content. Enjoy! Local link Hypergrid link...

Database maintenance

Speculoos servers are down for a database maintenance. See you after the restart....

Why we (also) use dedicated servers

Snoopy Pfeffer gives an excellent explanation on why one should not use virtual servers or cloud to host OpenSim. We thought about it before setting up our gird, and came exactly to the same conclusion. She just gives a really good explanation on this....

Back to life

We had a DNS issue. We fixed it, but it could take some time to propagate. If you still can’t connect, restarting your computer or flushing DNS cache may help. Otherwise, the DNS update should not take longer than one hour....