W4OS – OpenSimulator WordPress Interface

W4OS stands for “WordPress for OpenSimulator”, the missing OpenSimulator web interface for the most popular CMS.

It is a ready to use WordPress interface for OpenSimulator grids. Provides user registration, default avatar models and grid info.

How to get it:

We appreciate your feedback

This is a work in progress, we need your feedback.

You can read us with any question via our contact form, or on WordPress plugin page support section, or on GitHub repository issue section.

Latest news about W4OS – OpenSimulator WordPress Interface

Neues w4os 2.3 Release

Die WordPress Schnittstelle für OpenSimulator 2.3 wurde im WordPress Plugins Verzeichnis veröffentlicht. Aktualisieren Sie auf jeden Fall und genießen Sie die vielen neuen Funktionen: neue Suchhilfeneue Hilfe für Offline-Nachrichten. Nachrichten werden im...

Rhyddhad newydd w4os 2.3

Mae datganiad WordPress Interface ar gyfer OpenSimulator 2.3 wedi’i gyhoeddi ar gyfeiriadur ategion WordPress. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi’n diweddaru ac yn mwynhau llawer o nodweddion newydd: cynorthwyydd chwilio newyddcynorthwyydd negeseuon all-lein newydd . Mae...

Nieuwe w4os 2.3 release

De WordPress Interface voor OpenSimulator 2.3 versie is gepubliceerd in de WordPress plugins directory. Zorg voor een update en geniet van een heleboel nieuwe functies: nieuwe zoek helpernieuwe offline berichten helper. Berichten worden opgeslagen in...

w4os presentation at OSCC21

AvaCon reposted the OSCC21 speech for w4os Web Interface for OpenSimulator presentation on their YouTube channel. Meanwhile, the plugin has acquired a lot of new features, available now in dev, and soon in the next stable release. (Original post on W4OS - Read More)

Help to translate w4os

Currently, w4os is available in English, French, Dutch and German, although some current localization may be fuzzy. You can help to get better translations, or other languages, on poedit.com: https://poeditor.com/join/project/PySFgkkGP6 (Initial post on W4OS - Read...

w4os 2.2.10 new stable release

The w4os plugin has been updated on WordPress directory to 2.2.10. This is w4os new stable release, including improvements introduced in dev since 2.1, notably a web assets server, grid and WordPress users sync, public avatar profile, grid based authentication and...

w4os 2.2.7 update

w4os has been updated to 2.2.7 added config instructions for new grid usersshow a link to profile page instead of the form in profile shortcoderemoved W4OS Grid Info and W4OS Grid Status widgets (already available as blocks) 2.2.6 also included: added Born and Last...

w4os 2.2.5 update

Version 2.2.5 is available, it looks quite stable and has a bunch of enhancement and, mostly, a bunch of fixes since the last announcement. We are approaching the official release in WordPress plugin directory. added Wants, Skills, Partner and RL info to web...

W4OS speech at OSCC21

W4OS speech at OSCC21

Magic Oli’s speech about W4OS at OpenSimulator Community Conference is here (it starts at 09:30:05). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrNamY4JHdQ&t=34205s ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrNamY4JHdQ&t=34205s (Initial post on W4OS - Read More)

Getting ready for the OS Community Conference

Getting ready for the OS Community Conference

We still have a lot of stuff to unpack for @SpeculoosWorld booth at #OSCC21, and what will be the focus? #W4OS, the #WordPress interface for #OpenSimulator of course (Magic Oli's speech about it, this Sat. at 4PM PST) https://conference.opensimulator.org/...