Money, money, money

Warning: money in use inside is monkey money. There is now way to buy virtual currency, nor to resell it. We have put in place money exclusively for virtual transactions, as a test, and maybe we could implement real payments in the future. Upon avatar...

Grand Place

As welcome area, we thing to reproduce Brussels’ Grand Place. Not only is this place really beautiful, but it is also a symbol for us, as a beautiful spot to meet people coming from everywhere. Of course, the combination of Gothic, Baroque and Louis XIV styles doesn’t make things easy, and we could make some time to achieve this work. However, you can already have a sneak preview.

Grid open / OpenSim 0.7.2

After weeks of tests, we open the grid. It uses OpenSim 0.7.2 release, and we didn’t notice any major issue. But feel free to contact us if you see one.