2DO: HYPEvents reloaded

2DO: HYPEvents reloaded

2DO is a new fork of late HYPEvents project. It brings together the events of several grids and spread the calendar in-world via a TP board or on the web. So it comes in two flavors: a teleporter board, featuring the ongoing and near future events in-world (and...

WordPress plugin for OpenSimulator

WordPress Interface for OpenSimulator (w4os) plugin allows connecting a WordPress website to an OpenSimulator grid or standalone server. It’s a starting project, for now, it just gives a way to display grid info and status on a page, but the goal is to have the...

WordPress plugin for OpenSimulator

The WordPress Interface for OpenSimulator (w4os) plugin allows you to connect a WordPress website to an OpenSimulator grid or a standalone server. It is a starting project, for the moment, it just allows to display information and the state of the grid on a page, but...
Gudz Teleport Board 2

Gudz Teleport Board 2

A new, completely rewritten hypergrid Teleport Board, with cleaner code and new features. Can use a web-served destinations list, so it can be updated easily on multiple boards. See it in action on Speculoos Grid. Get the latest version in-world:...

Offline messages mail forwarding.

Honor the viewer option “Email me IMs when I’m offline”. Useful with OpenSimulator 0.7 and 0.8. Works also with 0.9 but I am not sure if this functionality is now handled or not by OpenSimulator 0.9 core modules....