W4OS – OpenSimulator WordPress Interface
W4OS stands for “WordPress for OpenSimulator”, the missing OpenSimulator web interface for the most popular CMS.
It is a ready to use WordPress interface for OpenSimulator grids. Provides user registration, default avatar models and grid info.
How to get it:
- From WordPress plugins directory (stable version);
- From GitHub (developer version).
We appreciate your feedback
This is a work in progress, we need your feedback.
You can read us with any question via our contact form, or on WordPress plugin page support section, or on GitHub repository issue section.
OSCC24 w4os presentation
For those who missed the presentation of w4os plugin at OpenSimulator Community Conference 2024, here are the transcript and slides of the presentation, with some additional notes and Q&A from the audience. 1. OpenSim setup We all face the same challenges :...
The agenda in the spotlight – HIE 2024
At the last Hypergrid International Expo, Gudule Lapointe presented the w4os project, and in particular the calendar functions integrated into the extension. The 2do project is a set of software solutions for integrating the search for events into a grid, which can be...
Gudule’s speech at OSCC23 – OpenSimulator WordPress Interface with w4os
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN7GWGKS-9A (Read original post W4OS.org)
OpenSimulator WordPress Interface with w4os – OSCC 2023 – Sat, Dec 9, 08:00 AM PST
We are back to OpenSimulator Community Conference this year, Gudule Lapointe will present the latest updates for grid management on WordPress with w4os plugin. Mark the date! Web registration, users and grid management : few solutions, fewer actively maintained, and...
Don’t dismiss the protocol
tl;tr: download version 2.1.8 of w4os to fix in-world search. When setting up w4os on a new site, we had trouble finding out why the search was not working with the internal search engine. However, it worked perfectly well using an external engine running exactly the...
New troubleshooting guide available for w4os plugin
Speculoos World, developer of the w4os OpenSimulator Web Interface, is pleased to announce the availability of a troubleshooting guide for the WordPress plugin. This guide aims to assist users in resolving any issues they may encounter while setting up and using the...
Gudule’s speech on latest w4os updates at OSCC22 (video)
The full Saturday session of OpenSimulator Community Conference 2022 is available on YouTube. Our presentation of the latest updates on w4os WordPress plugin begins at 3:35:51. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to be invited and attend this annual gathering. The text...
Gudule’s OSCC22 w4os talk transcript (latest w4os updates)
Here is the transcript of Gudule Lapointe’s talk on w4os latest updates at OpenSimulator Community Conference 2022. https://w4os.org/news/2022/12/oscc22-w4os-presentation-speech/ (Original post on W4OS - Read More)
w4os 2.3.6
There were a couple of bug fixes and enhancement to w4os Web Interface for OpenSumulator since last announcement. Get the latest version to receive the corrections. tested up to 6.0.1added password reset link to profile pagefix profile picture aspect ratio to 4/3 as...
Rhyddhad newydd w4os 2.3
Mae datganiad WordPress Interface ar gyfer OpenSimulator 2.3 wedi’i gyhoeddi ar gyfeiriadur ategion WordPress. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi’n diweddaru ac yn mwynhau llawer o nodweddion newydd: cynorthwyydd chwilio newyddcynorthwyydd negeseuon all-lein newydd . Mae...