2do HYPEvents server 1.2.3 update: it’s about time

2do HYPEvents server 1.2.3 update: it’s about time

The last update of 2do Server mainly fixes a time conversion issue (caused by an outdated external library). I told you: it is literally about time. Grids and Simulators using http://2do.directory/ as their search engine do not need to update and will benefit from the...
W4OS speech at OSCC21

W4OS speech at OSCC21

Magic Oli’s speech about W4OS at OpenSimulator Community Conference is here (it starts at 09:30:05). … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrNamY4JHdQ&t=34205s (Initial post on W4OS – Read More)...
Getting ready for the OS Community Conference

Getting ready for the OS Community Conference

We still have a lot of stuff to unpack for @SpeculoosWorld booth at #OSCC21, and what will be the focus? #W4OS, the #WordPress interface for #OpenSimulator of course (Magic Oli’s speech about it, this Sat. at 4PM PST) https://conference.opensimulator.org/...