Speculoos.net main domain will stay off

The domain name speculoos.net has been bought (stolen?) by a domain broker, on 18 july. There is no way we pay the huge price they ask for it. So, speculoos.co.uk speculoos.world is our official domain name for now. To connect, you may need to replace all occurrences...

Known griefers

Here is a list of the griefers we discovered in our or other grids. You may use it to update your ban list. Fleep Tuque has made a clear turorial on how to remove self-duplicating prims the griefer may have built in your sim. UUID User name First seen...

Server updates friday and saturday nights

We will proceed to a server update during this week-end. The operations will take place during friday 22/02/2013 and saturday 23/02/2013 nights, and should not affect the accessibility of the grid more than one hour. Hopefully, we will take this opportunity to update...