![Act of (grid) God](https://speculoos.world/w/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/grand-place-after-the-hurricane-001.png)
![Act of (grid) God](https://speculoos.world/w/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/grand-place-after-the-hurricane-001.png)
Offline messages mail forwarding.
Honor the viewer option “Email me IMs when I’m offline”. Useful with OpenSimulator 0.7 and 0.8. Works also with 0.9 but I am not sure if this functionality is now handled or not by OpenSimulator 0.9 core modules....Gloebit enabled, modular, HG optimized helper scripts
Modular currency helper scripts compatible with Gloebit and DTL/NSL MoneyServer https://git.magiiic.com/opensimulator/flexible_helper_scripts
Let’s take the .world
Our domain name is now speculoos.world. Speculoos users should refresh grid URLs in viewer settings (grid manager) to have the best in-world experience.