HG Safari came to visit Cymru Fach region in Speculoos World
On February 1st, HG Safari tour came to visit the amazing Welsh styled village created by Susannah Avonside. It is a lovely place, if you missed the event, you still can visit it hop://speculoos.world:8002:Redoutable . … or get in the mood by reading the article...Gudule’s speech on latest w4os updates at OSCC22 (video)
The full Saturday session of OpenSimulator Community Conference 2022 is available on YouTube. Our presentation of the latest updates on w4os WordPress plugin begins at 3:35:51. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to be invited and attend this annual gathering. The text...Gudule’s OSCC22 w4os talk transcript (latest w4os updates)
Here is the transcript of Gudule Lapointe’s talk on w4os latest updates at OpenSimulator Community Conference 2022. w4os OSCC22 talk (Original post on W4OS – Read...Speculoos World to present the latest developments in w4os at OSCC 2022
Speculoos World will come back to OpenSimulator Community Conference 2022: the grid founder Gudule Lapointe will present the latest updates of the w4os project (December 10, 10:30 am PST). We will also have an exhibit booth in the conference grid, as in previous...Speculoos discovers a potentially habitable planet (and, no, it’s not us)
We love our folks at the University of Liege. Not only have they a very active astrophysics faculty, but they tend to give their very serious projects funny names, like “Speculoos” or “Trappist”. Of course, this is not at all related to...w4os 2.3.6
There were a couple of bug fixes and enhancement to w4os Web Interface for OpenSumulator since last announcement. Get the latest version to receive the corrections. tested up to 6.0.1added password reset link to profile pagefix profile picture aspect ratio to 4/3 as...
The eternal quest for attention of the apprentice coder
To facilitate the intervention in case of a griefing attack on OpenSimulator, we have created a script that, based on a user’s name, generates the necessary code to delete his account, ban his alternative avatars and delete all their objects. This script is destructive and cannot be undone, it is essential to make a backup of the database and check the generated SQL code before executing it.