w4os 2.2.5 update
Version 2.2.5 is available, it looks quite stable and has a bunch of enhancement and, mostly, a bunch of fixes since the last announcement. We are approaching the official release in WordPress plugin directory. added Wants, Skills, Partner and RL info to web...
W4OS speech at OSCC21
Magic Oli’s speech about W4OS at OpenSimulator Community Conference is here (it starts at 09:30:05). … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrNamY4JHdQ&t=34205s (Initial post on W4OS – Read...
Getting ready for the OS Community Conference
We still have a lot of stuff to unpack for @SpeculoosWorld booth at #OSCC21, and what will be the focus? #W4OS, the #WordPress interface for #OpenSimulator of course (Magic Oli’s speech about it, this Sat. at 4PM PST) https://conference.opensimulator.org/...W4OS 2.2.1 is out
Version 2.2.1 is out and will be released soon on WordPress plugins directory. In the meantime, you can download it from GitHub or magiiic.com and give your feedback. Free version on WordPress directory Paid version on Magiiic The free and paid versions are basically...
Big w4os updates in beta
We added a couple exciting features to W4OS, the WordPress web interface for OpenSimulator, and they are available right now at https://github.com/GuduleLapointe/w4os/

W4OS is live on WordPress plugin directory
W4OS, the WordPress interface for OpenSimulator grids, is now live on WordPress plugin directory. We hope it will make it easier for grid owners to manage their users from their website. Please give it a try and feel free to comment, either on the plugin support page...
We got mail delivery issues (oops!)
If you tried to register recently, go to the “Lost my password” page to reset your password and resume your registration.