OpenSimulator Community Conference 2020, here we go

OpenSimulator Community Conference 2020, here we go

OSCC is starting this week-end ( We will attend some talks, and we also have an expo booth, with a brief presentation of some of our projects ( Expo Zone 2)....
Goodbye Grand Place, welcome… thing

Goodbye Grand Place, welcome… thing

After years keeping the same (nearly unaltered) welcome area for Speculoos grid, we finally got rid of it and made room for freebie shops, available for free ton anyone. The catch? Don’t distribute copycats (or illegal copies). While we believe in sharing and...

Transition to new website, registration disabled

We are rethinking the website totally (simplifying a lot actually). In the meantime (and I don’t want to be mean but it could be a long time) the registration via the website is suspended. If you need a new account, you can contact me. Update: registration is...
Gudz Teleport Board 2

Gudz Teleport Board 2

A new, completely rewritten hypergrid Teleport Board, with cleaner code and new features. Can use a web-served destinations list, so it can be updated easily on multiple boards. See it in action on Speculoos Grid. Get the latest version in-world:...